Wednesday, August 1, 2007


How I Learned to Hate the Bomb

We entered the war in 2002, and have yet to pull out. The year is 2007. Do we really have to be fighting a war in the Middle East for 5 years? No, we don’t. BUT if we didn’t we wouldn’t believe the idea of terrorism that our administration is force feeding us. "We are doing this to defend our people, we will win the war on terror" they say. How can you win a war against fear/terror? Is fear not an emotion or state of mind? It is a faceless entity which is almost impossible to fight for it is always changing and regrouping. It will lead to nothing more than an eternal war against it. Catch bin Laden and another retarded extremist will take his place.
What is going on I ask myself. Is our government becoming a totalitarian/police state?
I pray not. For if we do, in a few years I will be writing my last (legal) report since the government will try to "disappear" me.
Ok, these reports are simply made by me to highlight points that many people don’t seem to get. I’m not here to try and convert you into a dissident; (even though many of us are) I’m simply trying to show my point on how much the American people can miss when they don’t think clearly.
In conclusion, think about whom and what were fighting against, don’t drink the tap unfiltered and do you home work by reading "banned" news stories like the ones that follow.

Now, after reading this I felt much betrayed by our administration. We don’t seem to understand the big picture, but if we did would we act? I doubt it, too many people have been brainwashed by mindless television and political propaganda. Take a look around people! We can’t just sit there and get fat like we used to! If we don’t do something were gonna be living in a police state. If you look closely you’ll notice it’s already started. On Jay Street alone I counted 108 hidden mass surveillance cameras. Here’s the catch, Jay St. is only 3 city blocks long. On Fordham Rd, I counted twice as many. Is this idea of mass surveillance logical? Yes and no. They are there to ensure our safety, but don’t they also deny us our privacy? Think about it.

This is the beginning.....

May-Liegh Soreux

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