TS is going to hit the fan very soon. So its seems that that in New Mexico a new bomb has been tested. Its name is Big Blu aka the mother of all bombs. My guess is that their going to use it against Iran in the very near future.
Now I wonder where do they want to attack next.
I think they'll attack their own citizens after they attack Iran or perhaps before and blame it on Iran as a means to attack them.
Only time can tell, but maybe we can change time before it happens, so remember kids:
Only YOU can prevent the next world war....
May-Leigh Soreux
Sunday, October 28, 2007
The war with Iran is coming...
Written by
May-Leigh Soreux
at 10/28/2007 06:18:00 AM Labels: america, dissident, emergency, freedom, home grown terrorism., Iran, May-Leigh Soreux, peace, resistance, revolution, subversive, survivalism, Survivalist, terrorism, terrorist, war
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Why oh why does this happen?
Its happened again .
Oil has hit above 90 yet again.
Now for a few laughs, according to the following video Dick Cheney doesn't seem to find the California wildfires to be much of a priority.
Iran, a country that not only sent a peace treaty to GWB back in 2003 , they even aided US troops in Iraq.
It had to happen eventually...
May-Leigh Soreux
Written by
May-Leigh Soreux
at 10/25/2007 12:34:00 PM Labels: dissident, emergency, freedom, home grown terrorism., Iran, May-Leigh Soreux, resistance, revolution, subversive, terrorist
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Concerning Name thieves
This is the only place on the web where I , May-Leigh Soreux, keep a blog. All others are fakes, I am adressing this since on another blog site (technorati) someone is using my name.
Don't steal my identity.....
May-Leigh Soreux
Written by
May-Leigh Soreux
Friday, October 19, 2007
Happy anniversary! Dow falls more than 360
Happy anniversary! Dow falls more than 360 points
October 19, 1987 aka black Monday.
October 19, 2007 , 20 years later we lose 366 points on the Dow Industrial Average. While compared to the 3,000 point loss of black Monday, it may seem as though its not a big loss. Well, it is. This is just the beginning, the tip of the iceberg. Many are beginning to see signs of recession within their markets. Things are getting bad and quickly growing worse. Que Vive' Le' Resistance'!!!!
Say hello to the Amero in a in a few years...
May-Leigh Soreux
Written by
May-Leigh Soreux
at 10/19/2007 12:39:00 PM Labels: dissident, Dow Jones, emergency, May-Leigh Soreux, revolution, subversive, Survivalist
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Oil prices soar near $90 a barrel
Oil prices soar near $90 a barrel
So close to martial law, so close. The oil prices are so high now its scary to look at them. But as time progresses I feel deep within my bones that they will continue to rise in the same manner as they have. I fear for the future. Now many of you may consider my posting as extreme anti-neocon propaganda, well it is, but at least its truthful propaganda. And yet, once you see the charts you will ALL understand where I am coming from.
$90/barrel of crude oil is cutting it close, but for some reason our economy is still intact. Why you ask? Well, the reason is that for the moment we have enough oil on hand to prevent a mass inflation of oil prices. But notice that I said "for the moment". Yes, my fellow readers we will not have so much oil left in our reserves after this winter since some will go to fuel our delivery trucks, some will go to our cars and the rest will go to our cities and homes. Then again, oil prices for home heating are expected to rise 16% this winter unless we have another "mild" winter, much like the one we went through earlier this year.
Oh and by the way, Bush "fears" that WWIII may erupt if we allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons. Then again, why would it cause a war, unless we were to attack or threaten to attack first?
Eugenics, a terrible, terrible science. Those behind it wish to create a "super race" of the elite.
But before I go...
I may be young, I may be lost, and I may be subversive but I AM HERE!...
May-Leigh Soreux
Written by
May-Leigh Soreux
at 10/18/2007 12:18:00 AM Labels: america, dissident, emergency, flag, freedom, home grown terrorism., May-Leigh Soreux, neocon, peace, resistance, revolution, subversive, survivalism, Survivalist, terrorism, terrorist
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
I guess owning a book makes you a terrorist
"Possessing" Information Can Now Brand You A Terrorist
So close to the police state. Were so close its making my heart palpitate to the point of imploding on itself. I know that we have to fight with our all. WE MUST FIGHT WITH ALL WE HAVE OR ELSE WERE GOING TO LOSE OUR RIGHTS! Our founding fathers wanted us to live free, speak free and easily, do what we wish (within reason) and yet were having the same values the founders of our country wanted stripped away from us! Am I a terrorist too since I not only own a copy of "The Anarchist Cookbook" but also a copy of "The Communist Manifesto" and I have been to numerous anti-war/bush protests. Does that make me a terrorist?! Well, does it?!?!
This has been a quick post brought to you by corporate hate.
I fear for the future...
May-Leigh Soreux
Written by
May-Leigh Soreux
at 10/09/2007 03:32:00 AM Labels: america, dissident, emergency, freedom, God, home grown terrorism., May-Leigh Soreux, resistance, revolution, safety, subversive, terrorism, terrorist
Monday, October 8, 2007
Could this be the beginning of the end?
Delay in reapproving surveillance may be opening for civil liberties protections
This may be either a slight victory or a major defeat. Only time will be able to tell. Knowing these sneaky politicians they will attempt to sneak in a clause somewhere or another and infringe upon our rights even more then they already are. Tomorrow we will know at least what the base of the new surveillance act is. May God be with us.
In other news : WHERE ON EARTH IS ED BROWN? His wife, Elaine Brown, was detained along with her husband Ed Brown for tax evasion. She is currently serving her 63 month sentence (5 years 3 months) in a women's federal prison. And yet, her husband who was detained at the same exact time as her is no where to be found. The Feds played a cruel trick on the Browns by using the "Trojan Horse" method of capture. Of all the dirty tricks they pulled, we still don't know where Ed Brown is. They are extremely stubborn when it comes to divulging information about his whereabouts. We in the dissident blogging community fear for him and keep him in our prayers and hope that what happened to Congressman George Hansen doesn't happen to him. Congressman George Hansen was tortured to the point of almost being unable to walk anymore.
Supporters Fear Ed Brown Is Being Tortured
And: Both UK Prime Minister and American President are simply belonging in the crazy house.
UK Green Lights Iran Strike
Gordon Brown is simply off his rocker for supporting "counter-terrorism" strikes against Iran from the U.S. and he is willing to back up America in attacking it.
Plus: Have you noticed the coincidence between the "anti-terrorism drills" held on 9/11 and those of operation TOPOFF (Top Official)?
And could Ron Paul be right about the declining dollar?
Congressman: Dollar Could Collapse To Absolute Zero
And only in a police state could books be illegal:
Boy in court on terror charges for owning book
In 2 weeks I will make my appearance on one day and one day only for a long while and you will know where i have struck once I leave my mark.
Catch me if you can...
May-Leigh Soreux
Written by
May-Leigh Soreux
at 10/08/2007 12:53:00 PM Labels: america, dissident, emergency, freedom, God, home grown terrorism., May-Leigh Soreux, resistance, revolution, safety, subversive, survivalism, Survivalist, terrorist
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
I have not posted in so long that I feel the need to apologize for it. So far after the whole Blackwater incident there is not much to say. My heart is heavy as I write this for I know that I am lying. A great deal is going on but sadly my dissident heart has been approached by terrible men in dark uniforms who have chilled it to its core. Grand Central Station in the heart of NYC is evidence of the slow slide into a police state. I can't hand out flyer's on the street without almost getting arrested. I'm very scared, but I know that for the sake of our country, even though I am only one, I must press on.
Next week in Oregon, Arizona, and Guam there will be "terror drills" these drills called "Operation TOPOFF" are suppose to help us prevent dirty bomb attacks , or so they say.
I feel they are using this as an excuse to scare the population in those areas into thinking our government is doing something good. This is just another way we are becoming a police state! In the novel 1984, Big Brother's government used scare tactics to keep the people in check so they behave submissively.
The heart of a fighter the soul of a child....
May-Leigh Soreux
Written by
May-Leigh Soreux
1 responses
at 10/03/2007 03:04:00 AM Labels: america, dissident, emergency, freedom, God, home grown terrorism., May-Leigh Soreux, neocon, peace, resistance, revolution, safety, subversive, survivalism